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A brief of myself

Hey there, I’m Aagastya.


I’m a 16 year old from India with a diverse array of interests and skills, all of which I’d attribute to my high-chasing personality. I’m the kind who jumps ships the moment I see something slightly more appealing. It’s a quality that I’d call bittersweet – it has led me to my important personal achievements while also providing the lack thereof. I’m currently studying to become a doctor sometime in 2030 and I’m interested in Tech, Finance, Fitness, and Thought.


I’m grateful that I come from a background that has provided me with the opportunity to live in two different countries and eight different states in India. I have attended 9 different schools so far. I’ve seen the difference between posh and poor, rigid and flexible thought, monoculture and multiculture. The diverse life I have been given has placed quite the emphasis on unity in diversity, diplomacy, and perspectives in my thoughts.


In my personal life, I place Family, Fitness, and Finance as the most important subjects of matter. I firmly believe that having the three in good condition leads to the best outcomes in life. I sincerely thank my mom, dad, sister, uncle, and grandparents for allowing me to do what I do with full support and guidance.


In my short life so far I’ve tried innumerable things, few of which stuck while most didn’t. I’ve tried to be a black belt in Karate, I’ve tried to be a polyglot, I’ve tried to be the next biggest Youtuber, I’ve tried to be a singer, I’ve tried to be.. too many things – most of which didn’t stick at all. All that did stick form a core part of my personality today, and all that didn’t have given me a better outlook over life through experiences. And that’s the outlook I want to share with you.



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