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  • Writer's pictureASR ARTW

Absent Aliens

Humans are innately tribal, it makes sense as to why. It was evolutionary advantageous 2 million years ago when the first groups of humans emerged -- it was necessary for a race of animalia which used their still primitive tools and brains instead of sheer size and numbers to propagate their kind. It was useful for a smaller world where you'd only be in touch with your immediate family and the only threats to worry about were from other animals. This no longer applies to our modern selves as we are no longer a group or tribe, but a global society where tribalistic divisions act only as barriers to limitless potential.

War, discrimination, ostracization are all visible forms of tribalism. It leads to great losses. Hundreds of millions have suffered because of war and Trillions are lost in economic productivity due to sidetracking. All because some group doesn't like the other group's skin colour, religion, thought or way of life. There's always an 'Us versus Them' narrative in our minds, we always want to be better than the other person, village, state or country. No one is exempt from this form of thinking, it's coded into us through the absolute hands of evolution. It's impossible to change this form of thinking.

This form of mentality has led to great breakthroughs as well. The urge to be better than someone else is miles stronger than the urge to better ourselves. Think nuclear fission, semiconductors, world trade and the race to be global superpowers. All of this because we want to prove to others that we're better than them -- and that's useful.

And hence I want to introduce you to a new breed of people, let's call them 'Absent Aliens', pretend that NASA, ESA, ISRO or some other organization just found them. They're very similar to us technologically, evolutionarily and in terms of resources. They look a bit different but a comparison can be drawn. They're going to attack us in the next 200 years and if we don't get our act together and prepare, they're going to end us and our planet completely.

I really wish for this kind of event to happen someday, even if it were fake. It would make people panic and they'd forget about current, trivial divisions and focus on our tribe, Homo Sapien versus some other. It's a fantasy I've had for a very long time, humans are too good to fight against each other. We fall into tunnel vision too easily. We are never fighting Homo Sapien, but always the Pakistani, the Khalistani, the Muslim, the Black, the Communist, the Chinese and the outsider..

Be inclusive.

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