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  • Writer's pictureASR ARTW

Untreatable Acne

My interest in medicine has eluded me towards a fatal flaw that concerns all of us, manifesting itself in multiple areas of life — one of them being teenage acne.

Since having recently fallen prey to acne, the first thing I did was try to get rid of it through any means possible. I exhausted through a long list of creams and cleansers not seeing much difference in the long term, it returning after a day or two to much dismay. I was only able to get rid of my acne for a few months when I understood the cause behind it — I was consuming way too much damn sugar and wasn’t sleeping enough. What I went through last year was an exemplary pattern of treating the symptoms and not the cause.

Think about it, this pattern is everywhere:

  • Doctors prescribing antihypertensives to patients with a bad diet

  • Politicians and bureaucrats with ineffective diversions for simple societal and civic issues

  • Current-day parents handing over a phone or tablet to calm their child down

  • Addicts using drugs to feel better in the moment about an underlying stressor

  • An overfat person wearing looser clothes to be comfortable for the time being

  • Programmers coding several workarounds for a problem they don’t want to fix

The examples are innumerable, and I am certain you have had similar experiences. I believe that this instinctual way of thinking is due to a virtue of modern society — shortsightedness. We never think of symptoms in the way they truly are, visible manifestations of an underlying cause — a problem. Instead, we choose to believe that the symptom is the problem itself, thus falling into this loop of fixing a ‘problem’ that is bound to come back because the cause hasn’t been addressed due to myopic limitations — leading to inexistent problems such as Untreatable Acne.

I’ll leave you with my two cents — don’t focus on the zit, focus on the how and why behind the zit instead. Think of problems in the way they truly are, issues with a fixable underlying cause and an unfixable persistent symptom.

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